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Dr’s Philbert and Maureen Bailey started out as teenaged friends and lovers who bonded over abusive family experiences. Two years after falling in love, they got married as a teenaged couple requiring parental consent. Philbert was eighteen and Maureen was seventeen when they got married and started a family. Today they’ve survived many challenges together and have celebrated fifty (50) years are marriage with undying love for each other. Having also been challenged by infidelity to the point of almost losing their marriage, they now dedicate their lives and love to helping other couples overcome the same.



Drs Philbert and Maureen Bailey, Bishops of the Pentecostal Gospel Showers Family of Churches with Head Quarters in Riverton Meadows, Kingston Jamaica, celebrated fifty years of marriage on Saturday, August 31, 2024.

The couple which got married in 1974 at ages seventeen (wife) and eighteen (husband) years, have faced their fair share of hardship and challenges of various kinds, but fifty years later with five adult children of the marriage and a marriage ministry, The Real Meaning of The Vows, borne out of their own passion for helping other marriages, Bishops Drs Philbert and Maureen Bailey have said I Do to each other once again.

Their passion for serving other traditional couples, was born out of their own painful marital experience, and their struggle to overcome the effects of infidelity, including suicidal attempts, shame and guilt. This experience led Dr. Philbert Bailey to surrender his life to God, joining his wife who started her Christian journey five years earlier. Together with their children they became a Christian family. The ministerial couple now serve together as Presiding Bishops over a large church organization with 11 outstation branches in Jamaica and the United States of America.

Bishop Dr. Maureen Bailey has been a licensed Marriage Officer of the island of Jamaica for over twenty-six years and has performed more than three hundred and sixty-five weddings in her service to the ministry and her country. Together they founded The Real Meaning of The Vows, a marriage ministry through which they counsel and mentor other married couples, in an effort to help them navigate their marital challenges. In addition to the counselling services, the Bishops host an annual married couples’ retreat, which aims to revitalize and reinvigorate marriages for all who attend.

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